I just got an email from my mother saying that she and my dad had visited an antiques store and bought three razors for me. They are going to have to post them to me and I can't wait to find out what they are like.
The first one she described as "The first one is in a very old box and has ???TON & ?? Silversmiths and Cutlery, Sheffield, England marked on the blade handle. The scales are damaged and the box is engraved by hand, reading J. Knuckey."

The second one sounds intersting. This is how she described it, "The second one is unboxed and the scales are in immaculate condition and made of tortoishell. There is writing on the scales “Widerstrahl Solingen’. There are some very small nicks on the blade and the same word widerstrahl appears on the blade in gold alongside a flag. On the back of the handle part is written A2718 type (I think)."

The third one she said was a Valet Auto strop. I have a fair idea of what that one looks like.

If anyone has an example of either of the first two, I would love to see what I can expect to arrive in the mail. I know all I have to do is wait for them to arrive, but like most RAD sufferers I don't have much patience.