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  1. #1
    Slaving to shaving APSUmusician's Avatar
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    Question Cleaning an old, dirty DE Razor?

    Hey all! I stumbled upon an old Gillette Safety Razor at an antique store for $5. Planning on using it while I practice stropping with my first straight. It is very dirty and I'm just wondering what is the best way to clean and polish it.

    I tried searching for the subject but I'm not too sure what to call this gunk. If there is another thread just tell me what to search to find it.

    Thanks for all of the help!

  2. #2
    Member PaulX608's Avatar
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    Nice score! A '61 FatBoy for $5 is a great deal. I've found that short of disassembly, the best way to clean TTO razors, especially adjustables, is an ultrasonic cleaner. Good hot water, and some dish soap in the ultrasonic will do very nicely. If you don't have access to an ultrasonic, a good soak in Scrubbing Bubbles is decent alternative.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulX608 View Post
    Nice score! A '61 FatBoy for $5 is a great deal. I've found that short of disassembly, the best way to clean TTO razors, especially adjustables, is an ultrasonic cleaner. Good hot water, and some dish soap in the ultrasonic will do very nicely. If you don't have access to an ultrasonic, a good soak in Scrubbing Bubbles is decent alternative.
    Thanks! I'll give the Scrubbing Bubbles a try! So just hot water and scrubbing bubbles? How long should I let it sit?

    Thanks again!

  5. #4
    Senior Member oldfat1's Avatar
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    I like to let one sit in the Scrubbing Bubbles at least 10 mins., then spray again and take an old toothbrush and go at it.

    Rinse in hot water and use Alcohol to wipe again.

    A little Mineral oil on the Twist To Open action and the Adjusting ring and you should be good to go.

    Just as a side note, if you have never used a DE before, you will want to set it on 1,2,or no more than 3, to start with.
    Last edited by oldfat1; 06-30-2009 at 03:43 AM.

  6. #5
    Slaving to shaving APSUmusician's Avatar
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    Thanks! Yeah the scrubbing bubbles worked great.

  7. #6
    Shvaing nut jbcohen's Avatar
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    I am going to repeat what others have said to me, and scrubbing bubbles and sonic cleaners are excellent ideas. Some have told me, first thing before you do anything else boil a pot of water and toss it in for two to three minutes. That will kill any germs that may be on it from the prior owner. Some have told me maas and brasso are excellent at this. Personally I use a toothbrush and hand soap, not good for the tough stuff but has done well by me.

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