I'm fairly new to shaving with a straight razor and think I'm ready to order a better razor now that I've gotten accustomed to honign and stropping. When I first decided to shave with a straight, I had my barber order a C-Mon Cadillac 5/8 razor which shaves great, holds a terrific edge and I have no complaints about it. However, I would like to get a higher quality razor to use as my primary and keep the C-Mon as my back up. I've narrowed it down to two DOVO's and would like some experienced advice to help me choose one. One of them is the DOVO Genuine Red Bone 5/8 and the other is the DOVO Red "Bismarck" 6/8. The following are the questions I have: 1. Since I started shaving with a 5/8 razor, what differences can I expect if I were to shave with a 6/8? 2. I can't find anything to tell me if both razors have 3" blades? 3. Does anyone have any experience with either or both razors? Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
