Hi guy's thought I'd share this with you.
I'm very, very happy with the performance of my 1/2 hollow TI spartucus (snakewood sclaes). Was curious if anyone else could vouch for this razor's fantastic shave.
I got losts of other razors that give supurb shaves but nothing comes close to this one, I also have a full hollow TI spartacus which IMHO is a close second.
I've heard lots of good stuff about duble duck wonder edge and Filharmonica but can't compare as I don't yet own thes razors. I can't imagine anything better, it's as if the whiskers aint there? Maybe it's a factory freak?
I'm not plugging TI as I have other quality issues about these razors, though the spartacus brand does seem to be a good performing razor to me.
Feedback welcome