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  1. #1
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    Default Mineral Oil and razors

    I have a real quick question about razor storage that I'm sure has been answered before but I can't find it.

    What exactly do you do with mineral when you store your razor? Do you coat the edge or the whole razor? Also how should I store my razor. Besides keep in a dry safe place are there any other tips?

  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I lightly coat the entire blade, including shank and tang, on razors that I may not use for a month or more, or on razors I am sending in the mail to people. Basic idea is to keep it from developing staining and/or rust. So it is important to remove all traces of moisture, particularly from between the scales. Best idea is to let them air dry for a day or so before closing them up.

    When storing, as you say, keep in a dry place. Preferably in their coffins or some other storage device that keeps them away from little hands.

    But none of this is necessary on your weekly shavers. Just make sure those are kept moisture-free after each shave by carefully wiping them down and leaving them to dry.

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  3. #3
    Pit Bull Lover & Trout Terrorist hardblues's Avatar
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    Somewhat new to razors, but familiar and particular with cutting tools, (carving and woodworking chisels & knives), I take care of my tools...what I do after a shave is to wipe off the blade and then put it to the blower dryer to get whatever might have been missed, (especially inside the scales and at the pivot and then wipe with a light oil...I will qualify that I am not long in the str8-world, and differ to the more experienced. Just a thought...welcome and Enjoy!

    Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

  4. #4
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    What Jimbo said.

    Emphasis on the drying bit. However you store them, make sure when they're dry when you put them there...

    You didn't mention what kind of scales do your razor have, but do note that oil does soak into and stain bone.

  5. #5
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    As Ursus says, make sure that you dont put on too much oil as you can mark porous scales.

    If you do get a mark, just open the razor out, wrap the blade in a cloth (and secure it with tape) and put tissue round the scales. Then just pop that on top of a warm radiator (not too hot though) and that will sweat the oil out.

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