A little background first. I'm a newbie to the world of straight razor shaving. I got tired of buying the expensive cartridges for my gillette, and decided to give SR a shot. I bought an inexpensive shavette to test the waters with, and despite a lot of razor burn and a nicked up face, I really like the process and the attention needed to get a good shave.
I'm currently doing some research and stashing away money to purchase a better razor/brush/strop/soap setup.

Is it possible to get a decent quality (maybe not shave ready) straight razor for under $10.
whenever I google straight razor I keep running into these stories about people being able to find straight razors and pawn shops, or thrifts stores for $3 and less. Does that happen.

I thought I was finding bargains in the classified section on this website, but is it true? Can straight razors be bought that cheap?