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Thread: Quarter Hollow

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  1. #1
    Member Jonathan's Avatar
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    Default Quarter Hollow

    Looking for a quarter hollow in 5/8 to 7/8 but Wapi's are hard to find for sale and the only Dorko I found came paired up with another full hollow for $460. Here a few examples of the grind I'm seeking:

    The first is a Hart, which after some reviews I've heard, and at that price, no thanks. The second is a Bartmann I saw on a German site. I don't speak, let alone read, German so I couldn't even begin to figure out how to aquire it. Plus it's stainless and I'm not sure about those as of yet. Wackers and Dorko look fantastic but 95% of the blades shown on don't list the grind.

    Long story short, I'm looking for a simple and clean 1/4 grind, that's easily obtainable. Any direction or suggestion of models to check out? Thank you all.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Use the 'contact us' function at the Shaving Shop and give John Crowley a call. He is a nice guy and can direct you to a Wacker that will meet your needs. I just recently got this set of quarter hollows here and they are great razors.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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  4. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    Long story short, I'm looking for a simple and clean 1/4 grind, that's easily obtainable. Any direction or suggestion of models to check out? Thank you all.
    That does not exist at the moment. The only current production razors with that grind are pretty much the ones you already found.
    You can go the vintage route, but if you're looking for something particular it may not be all that easily obtainable. But there are plenty of this type of razors so it shouldn't be very hard to find one.
    Probably the best place is the classifieds.

  5. #4
    you will be assimilated blockhead's Avatar
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    I think that Holli4 has a few 1/4's that would fit the bill.

  6. #5
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blockhead View Post
    I think that Holli4 has a few 1/4's that would fit the bill.
    And Holli4 hones them just right, to boot.

  7. #6
    you will be assimilated blockhead's Avatar
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  8. #7
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I remember seeing a bunch at Shaving Shop in the past, I think Wackers mostly. Quarter hollows also seem to be popular with the guys who do customs. Unfortunately, I cannot afford customs or Wackers, so I've resorted to Ebay and antique shops. I really like the vintage Sheffield blades from half hollow right through to the wedgie ones - that Sheffield steel is nice and forgiving and the stiffer grinds are so easy to shave with. It's a beautiful combination.

    I also really like American, Swedish and German quarter hollows. I tend to prefer them on the smaller side (5/8 or less); this is because I find them to be less forgiving and don't like having as much weight behind them. I think this is because the steel tends to be harder than Sheffield blades and that, coupled with the stiff grind, puts them a bit more on the aggressive side. Don't get me wrong, I still love them, but I have found I really need to float the edge over my face when I run them up to the really fine finishers, or else I'll smooth the edges with a coti or some chrome ox (I am prone to irritation, so keep that in mind).

    Also, I want to say that I find you don't get a different feel as you move from half hollow to wedgie, so beyond half hollow it's just a question of how heavy the blade is for it's size. Framebacks and faux framebacks also tend to be very stiff shavers, but they are light.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to holli4pirating For This Useful Post:

    blockhead (02-06-2010), Jonathan (02-06-2010)

  10. #8
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FatboySlim View Post
    And Holli4 hones them just right, to boot.
    I'll second that. I just got a W&B from him and it's smooth like butter.

  11. #9
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miner123 View Post
    I'll second that. I just got a W&B from him and it's smooth like butter.
    Thanks for the positive feedback, Slim, Miner, and Blockhead.

    Miner, the real question is, how's the shave of the razors you honed with me that day?

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