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  1. #1
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    Default What would you Buy as a "Best" Shaver

    If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?

    Thanks for the input!!


  2. #2
    Blood & MWF soap make great lather JeffE's Avatar
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    It can be ONE and ONLY ONE razor? Just wondering, because personally I'd rather have at least three or four razors at hand for a small rotation, rather than putting all of my eggs in one basket, so to speak.

    Right now, anyway, I'm really enjoying a nice 8/8 Livi and an 8/8 Gotta that I have, also a Friodur 7/8 that I just got sharpened and little Red Imp 132 Wedge that shaves like crazy.

    Next week will be different!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exarcher View Post
    If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?

    Thanks for the input!!

    I would point you to the top of this page and click on Classified.
    Look for a razor with replaced scales selling for less than $100.
    Not fancy scales just a nice 5/8 or 6/8 razor with a clean cutting
    edge on the blade no fancy name....

    Watching stuff pass by the folk in the classified will not bother
    buffing, honing and putting fresh scales on a trash blade. I think I saw
    a dandy a couple days ago for about $60... Nothing fancy but very
    nice and clean....

    I would also point you to the full razor+strop packages
    that some of the sponsors have (look on the right edge and upper
    right corner of this page, they are random each window refresh).
    A new razor, new strop and professional honing .... and perhaps
    shave soap and a brush all add up. Some of the packages are stellar.

    Now that I see two pages of replies can the OP tell us more?
    Is this a first razor or the twenty first razor. I must admit that
    my reply was for a beginner looking for his first razor where budget
    is tight enough to keep him at one for some time.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 03-15-2010 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #4
    v76 is offline
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    Bought a couple of expensive razors over this year and now I solely use my 20$ Wapi... love the 1/4 grind.

  5. #5
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    if it were only one, it would be a custom.... and if there could be more than one, I'd take a couple of customs ... but that's probably because most of mine are workhorses now anyway.

    As far as vintage razors go, I love bokers, henckels, and anything that says eskilstuna on it... but there are plenty of little known razors that are wonderful shavers. Such a toss up sometimes for me

  6. #6
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    For me, trying out razors is a major contributing factor for straight shaving. Having tried a few over a hundred razors, I have learnt to appreciate the fun in this, and I am quite certain that I still have not found the perfect razor.

    Customs are not an option because I like vintages too much. Besides which, I can get 5 to 10 good razors for the price of a custom.

    In a squeeze, and at the time of writing, I would settle for my Dorko 300 because it is big, has a stiff grind, and looks good. Tomorrow, who knows...


  7. #7
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    I still have not found the perfect razor.
    The perfect razor is a bit like the Unicorn. It doesn't exist. Any more than say, the perfect car or motorcycle.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  8. #8
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default "Best" Shaver . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by exarcher View Post
    If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?

    Thanks for the input!!

    Ladies and gentlemen:

    That is a difficult question to answer, since I have many more shaves to enjoy and razors to try. For now, if I must have an answer, I would choose my Wacker 1st Model "Old Sheffield" 6/8" razor with bone scales and dreadnought point. It by no means gives me the best shave. Rather, I like its looks, balance and the perfect way it tucks itself into my hands.


  9. #9
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    I have a few razors, but for the past 7 or 8 months, I have been using one daily shaver. An 8/8 Filarmonica square point Novodur. I also have a number of fillies, and this one is the ugly duckling. I bought it for $70, but almost returned it as it had a lot of water spots. I decided to clean that off, and I have to say, it took a wicked edge. Not only that, it holds it. It is just a little better than my other fillies, even another 8/8 Novodur I have - I don't know why.

    Other than sharpness, this fillie is so smooth at the same time. It also balances, handles and strops perfectly for me. I think those attributes are just as important as sharpness.

    Probably not perfect, but for now, I am happy with this. I need to give it a name.

    No, Robin, the pumas are not for sale...yet.

  10. #10
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    I have only one at this moment I bought many years ago, a W R Case with bone handles like they use on their knives and it just wasn't much of a shaver out of the box but what did I know?
    Way before there was an internet-hahaha
    I have worked on it, through the stones strop etc and it shaves pretty well but again, what do I know-nada
    So I finally broke down and bought a New Old Stock Dovo 7/8" with Genuine Ivory scales that is being sold as shave ready by Lynne.
    When it arrives I will try it out and then I will know something-
    It is all that much better than mine then my Case is headed to Lynn.
    Eventually I would like to have 8 in the rotation while one is out until I really get the hang of honing-
    The Case does not have even bevels on each side but it still shaves- probably not up to its capacity.

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