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Thread: Razor ID help

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Razor ID help

    I am new to straights and to the forum.
    I purchased a couple vintage razors a couple days ago, a Wade and Butcher Extra Hollow and one that is marked "Mulcuto Ex-tra".
    I have searched and can not come up with any info on the Mulcuto.
    Does anyone have any info on this brand?

    PS - since I started two days ago I have also purchased a Christensen and a Hanckels and am looking at a W.H. Morley and Sons and a Boker King Cutter... I can't help myself!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. The Mulcato was a solingen outfit that made cutlery. More well known for their DE (double edge) razors than their straights but they made a good product. Worth sending that out for pro honing.

    Learn from my mistakes and hold off on buying too much before you get a little experience and knowledge on how to judge condition and brands. Here is the SRP Wiki beginner's guide to start you out in the right direction.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info, I will take a look at the wiki.
    I knew the Wade and Butcher had a good reputation although none of them were a huge gamble since the prices were so good.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Walt's Avatar
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    The two at the bottom with the brown and red scales are safety razors made by Durham. They could be either a Duplex, a Domino, or one of several others Durham made. They don't have much monetary value and even less esteem by the shaving community. But, there were "millions" of them made, so they must have been of some service over the years.

    Regards - Walt

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