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  1. #1
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    Default Help identify Jaguar

    I have here something I can't find any information on. But my guess it is a blank from a company called Jaguar and was ground by Le Grelot. It is incredibly sharp and smooth. I'm thinking it is a keeper . Guesses, ideas?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If I'm not mistaken TI is selling those (ground by them) in a starter kit here. I know nothing more about them.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    If I'm not mistaken TI is selling those (ground by them) in a starter kit here. I know nothing more about them.
    Another brand hijacked by TI?
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  4. #4
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Maybe a different brand, but the French "Le Jaguar" brand razors I'm familliar with were originally made by Le Grelot. I've been looking for a vintage one for over a year on eBay since I lost the auction on the last one I saw. I can't speak to the TI ones, but the original Le Grelots are wonderful razors. I also have a TI ground Le Grelot that is nice.

    The particular vintage Le Jaguar I lost at auction had the most beautiful scales, kind of a swirled cream-and-orange-marmelade effect. The scales also had a German silver inlay of a pyramid, a palm tree with a little Jaguar sitting under it like a sphinx, and "Le Jaguar" in large deco-style script font. Just killer, I've never seen another like it.

    I'm not normally a sucker for exotic celluloid scales, but when they're slapped on a vintage Le Grelot, I'm in.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    this is the original handle. looks like was nice one.
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to hi_bud_gl For This Useful Post:

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  7. #6
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    That's the logo I'm talking about Sham, thanks! I guess it's just the palm trees and the sitting Jaguar, my memory must have embellished it with the non-existent pyramid. I so wish I had copied the photos of the beautiful colors of the scales of the razor I saw.

    Also, Jeff, I think you have a Le Grelot-made razor there, nice. I think the style of the etching on the blade in your second picture is just too similar to a Le Grelot Medaille d'Or 1931 that I have to not have been made by Le Grelot.

    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    this is the original handle. looks like was nice one.
    Last edited by FatboySlim; 03-27-2010 at 01:28 AM.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to FatboySlim For This Useful Post:

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  9. #7
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    Thanks Tim for the info. Sorry to make you jealous on this find - but I can now see why you have been hunting for such a beast: it's amazing! It is so wicked that it scared me after the first shave. I now only do 1 pass with this straight, because it is all it really needs, and I need more practice with a very very light hand (not my usual style).

    Now I need to read up on the history of Le Grelot. And here I was thinking my RAD was ending

    Thanks for posting the pic Sham.


  10. #8
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FatboySlim View Post
    That's the logo I'm talking about Sham, thanks! I guess it's just the palm trees and the sitting Jaguar, my memory must have embellished it with the non-existent pyramid. I so wish I had copied the photos of the beautiful colors of the scales of the razor I saw.

    Also, Jeff, I think you have a Le Grelot-made razor there, nice. I think the style of the etching on the blade in your second picture is just too similar to a Le Grelot Medaille d'Or 1931 that I have to not have been made by Le Grelot.
    I have one of these as well. The Jaguar tang stamps aren't as deep on mine though.
    Unfortunately, the scales are really really badly warped right where the inlay. Don't really know what I'll do with them yet.

  11. #9
    Senior Member blueprinciple's Avatar
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    The razors in the TI starter kits are indeed Jaguars - I seem to remember the guys at TI saying that they were from a buy-up so maybe the same as when they bought all the le grelot blanks. Tell you what - they are one damned good razor though!

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