so we just had our 3rd child - another girl . so the tally ends up 1 boy and 2 girls. seeing as this is the last one for us, I now know there are certain things only my son will get. with that in mind, I am gonna put away one cheapy beginner 1/2 hollow and one slam dunk razor - possibly a wacker 7/8 or a dovo 55 7/8. I am gonna wrap em up in special anti rust paper and was thinking of rubbing the blades down with some type of oil as well -

they will be stored in a locked wooden box I made for my son to hold a few doodads I want to pass down to him when the time is right. the box is made by hand with only handtools 100 percent.

any other precautions I should take considering the box will be opened very few times over the next 15 plus years.