Hello All,

I have decided to introduce more friends and co-workers to wet shaving. I feel that while straights are the ultimate destination the first step should be to get folks off of expensive cartridge blades and canned shaving cream.

I am looking for the best starter equipment at the lowest cost.
I want a:
decent but cheap DE razor and blades
decent but cheap brush
decent but cheap soap

To this end I have come up with the following kit so far.
$1.34 Arko Shaving Soap Stick
$6.77 Van Der Hagen Natural Boar Brush

Are there any decent but cheap DE razor and blades I should be looking at?
Any better and cheaper soaps?
Any better and cheaper brushes?

I'd like to buy 10 kits or so and then hand them out to friends and co-workers.

Thank you,