Quote Originally Posted by RetroGrouch View Post
I answered "All of the above" because my real answer wasn't an option.

What I most appreciate about W&B razors are their history, and their aesthetics.

They're among the most beautiful razors ever made. The barbers' notch, the smile, the engravings... just gorgeous. And it's just so much fun shaving with an old razor.

This is my thought as well. All the old Sheffields have a heft and weight that goes beyond their physical mass. It is the weight of the history behind them. I have a few that are pristine, but when I get one that bears the scars and stains of generations, I make no attempt to clean it. I hone it and shave. I have one that came to me rust-glued to a bunch of others, which were damaged beyond any saving. The W&B honed right up and has given me excellent shaves. The blade itself has so much Devil's spit on it that it appears to be anodized black. Love that razor.