Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
Those are both great razors. Please consider adding them to the Family Jewels thread.

If you are interested in shaving with them, I strongly suggest that you first practice with a different razor. Beginners have an uncanny skill at trashing their razors. The same thing goes for restorations. Practice with a razor that does not have a sentimental value.
+++1 on that.And Jim,E-bay is oh-so maligned because so many new fellas go right directly to The Bay without a shred a good knowledge on what to look for.There are so many bad deals waiting for a newb to come along.What makes that so sad,is the fact that better deals and dealers can be had right here on SRP in the classified section.The members look out for each other here in that respect.And The vendors advertised here go by the same agenda as well.You can get good soaps ,strops etc of very good quality here.That's why it's all here for the new and the old members,..info,product and camaraderie that's what it's all about.Excellent blades you have and Welcome to SRP !