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  1. #1
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    Default Feather "Self Strop" DE Razor

    I bought this Feather "Self Strop" DE razor at an antique market -- $36 seemed like a fair price. I've never seen one of these before.

    The original instructions (in Japanese), the strop, and some original blades were included in a nice bakelite box. The plating is worn away in some places -- this razor was _used_.

    I tried putting in a modern DE blade -- no go! The razor was designed for blades just a little bit narrower (side-to-side, not edge-to-edge) than "current production". So I'm not going to be shaving with it.

    By chance, there's a listing of one of these razors in mint condition on eBay (now removed from bidding):

    Item number: 110657036482

    I have a few questions for the group:

    1. How can I treat the strop so it doesn't fall apart when I remove it from its case? It's all rolled up, and has probably been rolled up for many years.

    2. If I _could_ get blades (or modify blades) to fit it, how would it shave?

    3. If anyone is interested in translating the instructions into English, I can supply photos.

    Thanks --

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    Last edited by cpcohen1945; 03-07-2011 at 06:46 AM. Reason: forgot photos!

  2. #2
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    Well it deffo wont take de blades, it might take se blades like gems, but it looks very much like a wilkinson sword razor that took more wedge shaped blades.
    Vintage old Wilkinson Sword Safety Razor +Orig wood box
    A pic of the blades you got with it could be helpful, if it is a wedge shaped blade you could hone it.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the lead to the Wilkinson razor. I've never seen one of those.

    I just opened the Feather's blade case. No blades, just an instruction sheet (in Japanese) with a _picture_ of a blade.

    The blade is rectangular, with _one_ sharpened edge. There's no "spine", and I think (from the structure of the razor) that the blade is flat, not wedge-shaped.

    There are two semi-circular cutouts on the sides of the blade, toward the back edge. And the razor has several "locating pins" holding the blade aligned.

    I think this razor is going to be for display, not for shaving. Too bad . . .


  4. #4
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    Well sounds very much like a valet auto strop blade, you can alter the standard se edge gem blades by taking off the spine with pliers to fit these, you should be able to get se blades from the chemist if you are in the USA.

    YouTube - how to modify a blade for a valet auto strop razor

    little clip on how to, you might recognise the blade shape, used a valet auto strop to shave with and delivers a nice shave

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  • #5
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    They probably take Feather SE blades...still sometimes available.

  • #6
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    To finish the story (for the time being):

    I got some Feather single-edge blades from:

    Welcome to Razor Blades & More Co. | Razor Blades & More Co.

    They fit the razor precisely, keying-in to little dimples.

    I just shaved with it. I don't think the SE blades are as sharp as the Feather DE blades, but the shave was quite decent.

    One more antique rescued . .. <g>


  • #7
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    Glad to hear of your success! I just got a Valet Autostrop in the mail today with one original blade. Looks like I'll be modifying some Gems.


  • #8
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    FWIW --

    I saw a picture of a Valet Autostrop (maybe the one you bought!), and it looks very much like my Feather. If the Gem blades don't fit, try the Feather blades.

    The Feather's dimples (pins?) are really little bits of the razor's body, punched to lie slightly above the level of the piece that holds the blade. I think there are three of them, neatly fitting into the pattern of slots in the middle of the SE blade.

    The locating pins on the Valet are in different places than those on the Feather. But the Feather blade looks like a "universal-fit" design, suitable for more than one arrangement of locating pins.

    Last edited by cpcohen1945; 05-11-2011 at 07:30 AM.

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