So i visited my grandmother today and we got on the topic of antiques and i mentioned i had started shaving with a straight razor and she said that my grandfather had an old straight and if she could find it i could have it. Well 20 min later she come from the bedroom with the razor. In it coffin that looked in pristine condition, i then opened the box pulled out the razor and it still had a mirror finish on it. My grandmother said this razor has been in that box since the 50s. My grandfather owned this razor but before him it belonged to his uncle. So its been in my family for nearly 100 years. The look of the razor tells me that it is prolly from the teens or 20s. I don;t know anything about the razor and haven't found anything online about it. It is a Marshall Field & Co razor from Chicago. The box says No. E 39 1/2...and the blade says made in germany. Does anyone know anything about the marshall field razors? Thanks for your time in reading this long thread but i was so excited about getting a piece of family history