Well before i got into straight razor use, i was giving my grandpas old razor that he used in like the 40s or some thing like that. any way when i saw someone use a stright razor i thought of i got one, and i used the old one i had, and torn my face up lol. After i made the mistake by buying a shitty "beauty and Barber" razor, a SRP member gave me one of his razor, after i got used to shaving, stropping, and honing i set my sights on the old geneva. I started at a 220 grit cuz it was wavey and small chips in it. After the last pass on the 8k i stropped it and i used it(of coarse i sterilized the blade) it was not the best shave, but still more effective than my old mach 3 razor.
Then i asked the question, why did they "improve" razors when the straight razor was the clear way to go?