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Thread: Carl Schlieper "Eye" Brand... Anybody have Info???

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  1. #1
    Gun Runner & Chaser of Pirates Tolly's Avatar
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    Default Carl Schlieper "Eye" Brand... Anybody have Info???

    Here's another one I scored along with the Bresnick-Puma-Duck that I have been unable to find any information on. It is in MINT condition and came in a bright yellow plastic razor box with red lettering. On the box it says 17- 5/8" and there is also a 17 on the blade. The picture below did not come out very good but there is gold etching on the blade and it says Extra Hollow, German Ground, Best Brand, with the all seeing eye in the middle. On the front of the tang it says Carl Schlieper Solingen with the number 17, and on the back of the tang it says Made in Germany. I absolutely love the feel of this razor! It just exudes quality.

    I am very familiar with the Carl Schlieper "Eye" Brand pocket knives, but I did not know they ever made straight razors. If any of you have one of these I would love to hear any info you might have about them. Also, where do they fall on the list of quality shavers?

    Thanks Guys!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If manah see this he will give you the history. I've never had one of their razors but I hear they're real good. Like you, I know them by their pocket knives, and they had a real good reputation for those.
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  3. #3
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Tolly, If you know Carl Schlieper knives, you must understand the quality of their razors.
    A great number knives makers and companies made straight razors, because people use razors every day and it was a good reclame for their cutlery production.
    So, Carl Schlieper company, Solingen, was in business since 1898. And as I know, was closed in 1993.
    Most likely, this razor was made after 1950. When Forest Cruse of Austin, Texas began importing "Eye Brand".
    Alex Ts.

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  5. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have not had one, but a friend swears by them! Good Find! Excellent condition!
    BTW, that one looks "wedgy"! I would like to run that one! Nice
    Last edited by sharptonn; 05-07-2011 at 02:58 AM.
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  6. #5
    Gun Runner & Chaser of Pirates Tolly's Avatar
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    Thank you for the info manah. It's hard to explain, but the razor just feels right in the hand, and as I said in my original post it just exudes quality.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I have not had one, but a friend swears by them! Good Find! Excellent condition!
    BTW, that one looks "wedgy"! I would like to run that one! Nice
    Even though it says "Extra Hollow" on the blade, it appears to be more of a half hollow, and it is quite weighty if that makes any sense...

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have one. It's a 6/8s and is an exceptional shaver. Eye brand is top notch.
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