My 2 week old carbon steel razor is developing surface blemishes on the blade and lines radiating upwards and out from the edge. I thought I treated my razor very well, I rinse it in cold water after use and dry it thoroughly and then pretty much immerse it in camellia oil but as of tonight I have purchased some mineral/paraffin oil. I leave a coating of oil on it between each use so I am surprised to see these imperfections. I do not know if this is normal wear and tear and therefore expected or not, but the blade is certainly losing its mirror finish rapidly and even the tang is not looking at it’s best. Under a bright halogen globe at a certain angle the razor is looking a right mess.

Perhaps someone could tell me what these blemishes are caused from and how I could eliminate them and how can I protect the gold wash from disappearing if I am continually rubbing it to try and get rid of theses unwanted markings?

Thank you.