OK guys.Circa 1990 I bought new from a hardware store in Falkirk,Scotland a Gottah Silver Steel razor.On the shank was stamped "solingen silver steel".Now I know nothing about the history of the razors and what I purchased was probably (NOS).It had been in the window for years.It cost me £20 which I thought was cheap considering the craftsmanship in this blade.It did not come in a box but a polythene holder that was red on the back and clear on the front.The shop did not sell strops but I got an old strop from my uncle.He told me that in the UK well Scotland that the train windows used to be held open with leather straps.In the 1950's "Teddy Boys" would steal them as they made exceptional razor strops.So he gave me his.It did indeed make a fine strop but after 10 years of use the Gottah need "refreshed".I put it into a hardware store where I was promised by the owner that the Polish guy he used for sharpening things would sort it.When I got it back it was ruined.No edge.He had held it against some kinda grinder.It would not even cut string.I ended up giving it away to someone.Even years later I regret this.Was this a good razor?Considering it was brand new when I bought it and it shaved me well for many years until it went dull?I can't believe that all these years later that this is still bothering me.I still crave Gottah silver steel razors.If I find one who would you recommend to get it shave ready for me.UK would be better for me.Thanks in advance.I know I should just let it go and find something else,but this razor takes me back to my teens and I really would like to get one sorted and shave ready.Sorry if I sound lame with this post but it has bugged me for years just giving it away.