My wife and I are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our baby daughter in December. As any parent will realise both parents have to come to a compromise over the expectations of each parent. To smack or not to smack, TV or no TV, breast or bottle. But when each parent comes from a different culture even greater compromises have to be made. My wife is Thai/Chinese and has made compromises like agreeing that a baby shouldn't be a passenger on a motorcycle; in a car a baby should be in a baby seat, not on the mothers lap; and a child should have a set bed time and not go to bed when they are tired of watching late night TV (all these things are common for Thai children)

One thing I have agreed to compromise on is a Chinese ritual that my wife thinks is very important. In Thai/Chinese culture a baby of just a few days old has its head shaved by the maternal grand mother. This is something I have agreed to. Here is where I need your help. If you had to shave the head of a week old child, what would you use?

A straight razor is out of the question. I might be able to accomplish it, but what would be an annoying nick on my face would be disasterous on a baby's head. Also it is my mother in-law who will be doing the shaving.

So the question is, DE or cartridge razor? If DE, what blade/razor combination?

Thanks for your help,
