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11-27-2011, 02:03 AM #1
New Heirloom Razor and a question
While we were at my grandparents' for Thanksgiving, my grandfather and I started talking about me making straights. I showed him a couple pictures of my blade I'm working on and a couple of pieces I've restored. He said that he might have something for me. He wandered off into the bedroom muttering to himself, and when bs came out he was holding a dark coloured razor coffin in his hands! He said he was never going to do anything with it, and it might as well be put to use by someone. It was his uncle's, which would be my great-grandfather's brother. He was still an Evans, so it's pretty special to hold something like this! I have several conjectures about the razor. If anyone cares to expound on them, feel free.
1. This was a hardware store, general merchandise type, non-fancy razor.
2. The "thistle razor co." on the back is an attempt to cash in on the more highly regarded Thistle Cut Co. razors.
3. This is probably from around 1920?
I guess that's all. Of course, I plan to restore the razor. I'm not sure the scales can be saved. They look like layers of plasic on cardboard wrapped from behind with thin metal. They are kind of neat scales, but they aren't much in the way of durable, and they are pretty beat up. I'd really like to preserve the originality of the razor though. Hmmm......
The blade doesn't center in the scales has a slight smile, and has some decent hone wear. But I finally have an heirloom razor story!
Btw, it's a thick 9/16 or a thin 5/8, however you want to look at it.
Last edited by medicevans; 11-27-2011 at 02:08 AM.