I'm thinking of getting a Kamisori. I'm thinking price range of 100 - 150AU.
I've been straight razor shaving for almost a year. I have several razors and a DE. I consider myself to be quite a competant straight razor shaver and quite able to hone; though some older razors with more 'issues' offer more of a challenge for me. I find I enjoy a 5/8 full hollow best; but also like a more wedgy razor. I say that as a background to what I normally use, etc, so you can give good advice.

I'm thinking Kamisori (I'm possibly using that term incorrectly, I'm talking about Japanese non folding razors like these) razors are less flexible than a nice hollow 5/8 vintage razor, would that assumption be true?

If you can shave well with a straight, would one find using a Kamisori reasonably straight forward? (same question re. honing)

What should I look for (or what should I stay away from)?

What size should I get given I'm currently using what are probably quite small (thin) razors (4/8 and 5/8) (though before today my next razor was going to be a 6/8)?

How should I store it? I use a leather case for my straights or their coffins. I know you can get stands or boxes. Is either better? Any other means of storage? I store my straights as stated on my desk in my bedroom. It get quite cold and moist in there in winter; so I'm thinking on a stand in the open may not be the best solution. I normally dry and oil my straights with Eucalyptus oil after each shave.

Can you get a decent razor for 100 - 150AU? I find one of my favourite razors is my Burrell Top Flight, and I think it cost only about 40bucks.

As I say, I'm not a newbie, but I'd be new to this type of razor.

BTW, I'm not bidding on the razor in the link, it'll be awhile before I can afford one...