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Thread: $300 razor for christmas but wich one?

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    Senior Member Mmmike's Avatar
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    Default $300 razor for christmas but wich one?

    Hi guys, i have been shaving with a sr for a few months and i know i will not go back, so i want a new straight for christmas and i dont know wich one to ask my wife for. I have a dovo best quality but i want something that looks better and shave well, the budget is around $300.

    So far i found the dovo bergischer lowe looks very nice but is the blade the same as my BQ?
    Also i like the TI le canadien and the bigger le thiernois 7/8 hoked nose (is that thing too big?), but again is the steel the same with all the TI's or it changes with the model? And are the gold plating logos vanish with time or they are resistant?

    So the real question is: should i just go with the looks that i like or is there more to it.
    Is the steel better and the razor will stay sharp longer with a more expensive dovo or TI or you just pay for the nicer scales and gold plating?
    She wants to order online and possibly in canada to avoid custom fees.
    And i want a new razor.

    What would you choose for $300, do you have a better idea?


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