Being relatively new to straight shaving, I decided that I wanted to treat myself to nice straight razor as a reward for managing to keep my face clean shaven with less nicks than previous efforts. I called Max to discuss the possibility of restoring several razors, and after speaking to Max - btw, Max is one of the coolest guys, with the most interesting life story you'll ever meet - I decided to buy one of his own razors. I'm glad I did. You've seen the pictures of his razors, and one thing that immediately jumps out is the simple elegance of his razors. Now that I've held, and shaved, with one, I can tell you that the finish and attention to detail is second to none. An amazing shaver.

If any of you have ever considered getting one, you really should do it. Max knows metals and materials, he's got an artist's eye for applying this knowledge, and he's patient with dummies like me who ask a ton of questions.

Thank you Max.