Quote Originally Posted by GoBlue2486 View Post
Lol. I stumbled on this thread while looking for a beginner level razor to buy my Navy buddy who wants to get into straights. Having used a RR in the past succesfuly I simply pointed out that if you know how to sharpen, strop, and hone, you will have no issues shaving with a black widow or pocket knife for that matter. Is it the best shave you'll ever have? No. Will it shave like a Dovo? Absolutely not. But you can certainly get any knife shave ready with time and practice. Don't believe me? Pick up an $8 dollar Mora with a scandi grind and tell me it doesn't shave your face. Appreciate the response though it was very resourceful...lol.
Now I understand, I thought we were talking "comfortable shave" not "hair removal". I regress.