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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Potential favorite: F Reynolds

    This razor got SO much work I hope it becomes one of my favorites.

    Haven't shaved with a Reynolds before, and this one is still not honed shave-ready but it's very comfortable in my hand, unlike many of the other older razors. Plus, the grind is beaut. Love those blade curves

    Currently having issues with getting the very heel HHT sharp. I need to increase sliding angle or just plain take more shoulder off Then I'll be off to the finer hones

    Do you guys like it?

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  2. #2
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    I like it, the shape is cool as are the scales, seems real nice. Hope it comes up to be a great shaver.

  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I love the look of that razor. Hope she shaves great for you.


  4. #4
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Great work on a solid razor If I were you I'd just try going extra gentle on the hone instead of altering the bevel angle. Good luck!

  5. #5
    DMS is offline
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    I have one just like it and mine isn't as sharp as I'd like it to be yet either. This is one heavy blade and I find myself liking smaller ones these days but I won't give up on the Reynolds Frameback yet.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMS View Post
    I have one just like it and mine isn't as sharp as I'd like it to be yet either. This is one heavy blade and I find myself liking smaller ones these days but I won't give up on the Reynolds Frameback yet.
    No kidding, Dave - you won it over me on ebay for a while I was thinking I should send you a PM asking if you'd pass it along but thought it would not be welcome because you obviously wanted it.

    I just finished mine shave ready, I believe.

    Now I think it's high time I let the secret out: In addition to the pitting, which got flap-wheeled 120, 320, 400 a while ago this one had a crack so today I cut it short and ground a barber's notch. It is actually easier to handle now, not too short - as nobody picked up on it. I might grind a bit the top thick part more if I decide I want more of a French point thumb notch look. With all this work it better shave well. I just tested a little dry shave only and it felt smooth


  7. #7
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post

    Now I think it's high time I let the secret out: In addition to the pitting, which got flap-wheeled 120, 320, 400 a while ago this one had a crack so today I cut it short and ground a barber's notch. It is actually easier to handle now, not too short - as nobody picked up on it. I might grind a bit the top thick part more if I decide I want more of a French point thumb notch look. With all this work it better shave well. I just tested a little dry shave only and it felt smooth

    Take the lack of noticing as the highest compliment you could receive. looks great as is I'd leave it alone for a while and see how this vintage sports car handles with its new look.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post
    I might grind a bit the top thick part more if I decide I want more of a French point thumb notch look.
    Don't do it -- entirely wrong for the grind and time period. It looks great right now.

    If it's anywhere as good as my W&B frameback you'll love it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post
    No kidding, Dave - you won it over me on ebay for a while I was thinking I should send you a PM asking if you'd pass it along but thought it would not be welcome because you obviously wanted it.

    I just finished mine shave ready, I believe.

    Now I think it's high time I let the secret out: In addition to the pitting, which got flap-wheeled 120, 320, 400 a while ago this one had a crack so today I cut it short and ground a barber's notch. It is actually easier to handle now, not too short - as nobody picked up on it. I might grind a bit the top thick part more if I decide I want more of a French point thumb notch look. With all this work it better shave well. I just tested a little dry shave only and it felt smooth

    I'd forgotten about that! Either one of us would have stolen that one if the other hadn't been bidding. I was a little leery since that seller wouldn't take paypal and I had to send a M.O. for it, and for what it's worth the razor wasn't quite as good as described, but still very nice and I was pleased overall.

    You've done a nice job on this one and this thread has motivated me to take mine back to the hones for another round the next time I'm working on razors. I have a couple of smaller frameback style blades that are among my best shavers, so have high expectations for this one.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Dave, try a Belgian - if you have one. Takes some time... I also stropped 100+ laps and it tested fine but have to go for a real shave to know more.

    And yes, I plan to leave mine like this - it does look nice (and correct)


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