Hope everyone's having a relaxing holiday season.

While I was in the UK recently I picked up 3 old razors from an antique shop in Oxford. One, which is rapidly becomming my favourite shaver, is a Heljestrand No. 32. I did a quick forum search but nothing came up specifically regarding my question, which is.... Are the original scales of these razors ivory?

I've very little experience with ivory, bar my grandmother's old piano. The scales are a little yellowed and there's a visible grain. I did a hot paper clip test in a discrete location and nothing melted.

It's not a major issue because, as I said, it shaves beautifully regardless of the scale's material. But it would be nice to know for a number of reasons, not the least of which is to determine whether I got a bargain or not (paid 8 pounds for it - really good condition - the guy thought it was French...)

Cheers for any info.
