Hi everyone! I am gonna own my first razor tomorrow i think. There are the options i am thinking about;

The 1st is, Crown & Sword, ERN 1166, Germany.The blade is 6/8, round point, full hollow ground. Its has minor spots and pittings on it and the price is 89$. Its not new i think actually i dont have lots of knownledge about the vintage razor but its i think vintage, coz its restored.

The 2nd option is Thiers-Issard "Le Dandy". 6/8, full hollow. Its new blade and the price is 160$.

I saw and read a lot of things about Thiers-Issard that they are great razor, but havent seen anything about ERN's yet.

Also the price of Thiers-Issard is nearly 2 times higher and i am thinking is it only the name of the brand that makes it more expensive than the other one, or it is actually worth that money rather than ERN?

Best Regards.