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Thread: C.V. Heljestrand No. 10 with KB-extra mark

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  1. #1
    EVL is offline
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    Default C.V. Heljestrand No. 10 with KB-extra mark

    Bought this week online at a Dutch eBay site:

    C.V. Heljestrand No. 10 5/8'' with round point, payed €8.50, shipping included.
    State: completely dull, edge destroyed by rust (notches), but 'restoreable'.

    Restored this evening:
    Removed rust and polished the razor by hand. Used Autoglym Metal Polish and did the job well: tube 55ml approx. €6, you don't need a lot for this work.
    Razor has seen 400, 1000, 2000 and 5000 grit Japanese SS. Honed a straight smooth edge, notches all gone.
    Stropped 30 times on linen, 90 on leather.

    Heljestrand is now in excellent condition and shave ready: I'll give it a try tomorrow.


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    * There is a weird notch on the heel: from my point of view it's not broken due the unnatural shape (nice round lines)
    * The razor has the same KB logo as in post:
    Attached Images Attached Images     
    Phrank and JeanPaul like this.

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  3. #2
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    You did a good job on the restoration, but that blade is chipped.

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    As far as I know, KB Extra was the mark of Krusius Brothers, a german razor maker:

    Name:  krusius bros KB Extra mark.JPG
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    The only other place I can find selling K. B. Extra razors was Woodward & Lothrop, aka 'Woodies' - Washington D. C.s first department store:

    Name:  woodward lothrop kb extra 1891.JPG
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    The above is from a newspaper from 1891. Sadly, I can't find any pictures of the razors sold by Woodies to confirm the mark.

    It is definitely a 'KB' in that circle, isn't it? It couldn't be 'KE' as in Kayser Ellison, steel makers and exporters?


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  6. #4
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    From the Link in the OP the mark is not K.B. Extra, but K & B Extra.

    Name:  k&b extra.JPG
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    I see 2 possible K & B

    "Kruse & Bahlmann, Cincinnatti. circa 1858 - 1962. This firm was founded in 1858. In 1892, they were
    importers of cutlery. Located at 11-15 and 17 West Pearl Street, Cincinnatti, Ohio,
    they dealt in hardware and cutlery items. Their knives were usually marked with the initials, "K&B".
    They continued to do business until about 1962."

    K&B (Katz and Besthoff) was a drug store chain headquartered in New Orleans. Founded in 1905
    Last edited by Martin103; 05-03-2013 at 02:58 PM.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    That photo is cropped from Brickbag's post, not the OPs - no wonder we couldn't see the '&' clearly!

    Kruse & Bahlmann look good, especially as they imported knives, cutlery, etc, but they didn't have K&B in a circle as far as I can make out. I don't even think they made razors - their own-brand razor - 'Cutsure' - seems to have been made by Case. Some of their marks:

    Name:  kruse and bahlmann logo.JPG
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    Katz & Besthoff were colloquially known as 'K&B' but they traded as Katz & Besthoff, not officially incorporating 'K&B' as a mark until 1977. Even then, it was in an elipse, not a circle. I'm not even sure they sold razors - anything you read about them mentions over-the-table medecines, filling out prescriptions, sodas, ice cream, tobacco, cigars, dustbins, hose-pipes, decorations, etc, etc.

    I have come across a manufacturer of German Third-Reich knives though - just a listing, no pic, K & B. No other information, though.

    Kirby, Beard & Co, Birmingham and Paris looked promising...turns out that they were only colloquially known as K&B, that they used their full name on safety razors and their trademark was an elephants head coming out of a crown, so another one bites the dust.

    Kilborn & Bishop looked interesting - old firm from New Haven - but in the steel and drop forging business. Yet another bites the dust..

    Beginning to sound like that Freddie Mercury song...!


  9. #6
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    I've also found some "K&B" manufacturers, including Kirschbaum & Bremshey from Solingen-Ohligs. But nothing is connected with C.V. Heljestrand.
    Possible, "K&B extra" means something like MK, BK and RK on C.V. Heljestrand razors?'s only idea, nothing confirms this.
    Alex Ts.

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