Can I be the next of the last one? I live in Greece, so, if it's possible to make an exception using the fast shipping methods, I'm paying for it. A curse or two might just get me out of my routine. Also, if a ghost appears, I'll ask him if he knows anything about 16th century Hideyoshi's lost treasure. And if he doesn't, I'll ask him to ask directly Toyotomi sama. All of you will have your share, I promise.
I doubt that this is the razor, the whole story sounds too strange, and performing/dying from seppuku with a kamisori is... difficult. And, if the razor is exorcized or sprinkled with holy water, or any of that stuff, I'm not interested.

Also, if you find any Muramasa blades and want to pass them around too, I'm in for that too.

P.S. If I offend anyone with my above comments, I apologize.