I recently purchased a new to me first generation Hart Steel, 6/8 square tip, satin with Rosewood scales.

First some quick history... Been DE shaving for more years than I can count and at some point in my DE career, with zero intent to pursue straights, I collected a few internet images of the Harts. Something in the stripped utilitarian look that caught my. I recall a custom motorcycle built by english builder Russell Mitchell, called Pure Sex. Matte black tins with matte silver running gear.. all business.. A match for the Hart. I love both. But I digress.

I researched the Hart Steel products before I bought this one and knew there were some inconsistencies with QC.. grind marks on a few blades, and bevel angle concerns on others. But I knew the blade was flawless, and would go to be honed by a pro before I shaved with it so I wasn't too concerned.

I sent it off to a pro who had done a few other blades for me, all awesome, but his thoughts were confirmed when I shaved with it.. He thought it wasn't going to be a good shaver and it isn't. Now, I don't know anything about honing. I do know when the shave doesn't feel good.

I had decided to sell it and count my loses as a lesson earned but I am concerned I might be jumping the gun and want to be sure I take the right route. So, options...

Give up on it and sell it?

Or, is it worth sending back to Hart to have them hone it?

For those of you who have the Gen I Hart (I believe those with no jimps are the Gen I's), were you able to coax a good shave out of it? I really like the no-nonsense design, beefy shank and monkey tail and want to give the razor the respect I feel it's due...