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Thread: Father's Day Surprise - Grandpa's Razors

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  1. #1
    MJC is offline
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    Default Father's Day Surprise - Grandpa's Razors

    I'm still processing this - and hope to update the story when I have more time and info.
    But the basics.

    I've been shaving with a Straight for over a year now and enjoy it more than I ever imagined.

    My Grandfather was a Barber from Sicily, arriving in the US shortly after WWI.
    When my Dad was a teenager one of his chores was to hone (touch up) Grandpa's razors at the kitchen table. When I shared my interest in shaving with a Straight with my Dad (82) and showed him my collection he related the honing story, one I had never heard.

    Saturday these two arrived in the mail:

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    The front razor is an HMC The Bossing Razor - Front tail has a Hammer, back tang is marked "Hand Made in the USA Providence RI with an anvil. You should be able to make out the HMC Heart Logo and Providence RI and arrow on the scales. <6/8 (11/16) at the middle of the blade, slightly toe worn.

    The back razor is marked HM CHRISTENSEN CO BROCKTON MASS (front) and WARRANTED on the back. Measures 11/16, very little and even hone wear. The scales appear to be celluloid. The pivot pin is loose and it has to be guided to the scales.

    Gave them a very light, gentle cleaning for the picture.

    From the little I have had a chance to read on the Wiki HM Christensen was in business from the 1860's to the 1905 when the company was sold, changing the name to HMC in 1916.
    Any dating help and corrections would be appreciated.

    My Grandfather gave the pair along with a ACE Allover Mfg. hair clipper (not shown, came in the package) to my Dad around 1952 shortly after he and Mom married. I have no memory of Dad using the razors but he used the clippers to trim our crew cuts when I was a tot. (to this day we use the term "cleana uppa you neck" (insert Italian accent) to refer to any in between the barbershop hair trimming)

    When we talked about this today during our Fathers Day call, and I was able to give him some of the history, I have to admit I was overwhelmed. Dad related that Grandpa would take the clippers and the rest of his Barbers Kit to the Rest Home on Sunday afternoons to give those who could not get out a shave and a haircut.

    A Father's Day gift that spans three generations...
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  2. #2
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Great stuff. What a great gift. Enjoy the day.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

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  4. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    MJC, you have received a treasure for a gift. Good show.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member Jonah's Avatar
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    That's really great, thanks for sharing
    JimmyHAD:My wife told me if I bought another razor she would leave me ........ and I miss her sometimes......

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Very nice indeed,you say Bossing is on the tang,abossman (sp) also had a hammer and anvil as I recall,related companys??

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  10. #6
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Very nice indeed,you say Bossing is on the tang,abossman (sp) also had a hammer and anvil as I recall,related companys??
    It could very well be, since from what I have read (subject to correction) CM Christensen was sold around 1905, but I don't know who bought or operated the company.
    The change from Brockton MA to Providence, RI could be part of the answer...thanks for the clue.
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  11. #7
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    That's a great story, and great heirlooms. You're very lucky to have something like that to pass on one day with the family history. Sounds like your Grandfather was a true old Gentleman with a kind heart and someone to be very proud of, as I know you are!!

    Here's to Grandfather!!!

    The bossing is a nice shaver. I got one about a year and a half ago from gssixgun. His pics., don't think he'll mind.



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    Last edited by SirStropalot; 06-17-2013 at 03:10 AM.

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  13. #8
    MJC is offline
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    Default Fathers Day Shave with my Grandfathers Razor

    I had sent the pair off to Glen/Gssixgun for a gentle clean and hone and except for a test shave when they came back they have been in reserve.
    But not forgotten, I had been planning to use them on Fathers Day to mark and honor the both the day and my temporary custody until they are passed on.

    Using some of my "reserved for special occasions" P160

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    There are moments, like when you are shaving near your ear/sideburns and the sound of that hollow ground blade clipping hairs is most pronounced, that I was reminded of sitting in my Grandfathers #1 position chair and he shaved around my ears and the back of my neck.

    You did not have to be told to sit still...even a 9 year old will stop squirming when that warm lather is applied and you hear the blade singing against the strop.

    I am thankful for the memories and for the help from all here to bring them back.

    Happy Fathers Day...and Smooth Shaving.
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