Tuesday, 2.23.2016

Vintage Williams Shave Soap
Morris&Forndran Blonde Badger .. Style 1 Size 2
HartSteel 7/8 Polished
Scrupleworks Vegetable Tanned
Witch Hazel
Ice Blue Aqua Velva AfterShave Splash

The Hart may not be the perfect razor .. It has a few mildly annoying little problems. Most glaring is the pivot screw that constantly needs adjusting. But that's a small price to pay for the performance they deliver. In 7/8, this is a man sized razor .. A big chuck of steel with scales to boot. The blade, because of it's size sometimes compromises my visibility while shaving. I think a 6/8 Hart may just be the closest thing to a perfect razor.
I didn't believe they were that good until a friend talked me into trying one, and I was sold!
The rest of the shave, other that the mystical M&F Blonde, is pretty mundane, but feels great!