First head shave with a straight And only one little nick. Up till now I have been doing it with a DE which works well, but this morning I felt inspired, 1hour later.
But it was fun and now i can say I have done it.
I have lots of moles on my head so its a bit tricky.

O I tell a lie, i did also nick the skin were my ear attaches to my head. Was holding it forward trying to get behind it and forgot the length of the blade. Only a touch thou.

Used a Wapi, man they are great razors. They give a great shave on the face too. I love my wapi and its baby blue box.

There you go. First st8 on the head (well i did do tiny bits befor just for fun, but today did the whole thing)

(Come on Jimbo, weres the applause, it was for you after all )