So, here it goes...
Shave cream: The Bomb "Bodega" (thank you Matt)
Razor: Wacker "Wickinger" (thank you Robert)
ASB: Proraso
Result: Very smooth shave with lots of nicks. I don't know if its the size of the blade (since I never shaved with anything this big before), the fact the razor is not mine and i was trying to be very careful with it (thanks again for this opportunity Robert), or the fact that the lather tended to dry out way too quick compared to my usual Proraso lather, but i managed to nick myself about 10 times. I never noticed any of the nicks until after the ASB got applied, and none of them where painful in any way so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and also partially blame my technique... next time I'll be more careful.
All in all it was nice to try something I hadn't tried before, it fortifies my current beliefs and shows me that i still have tons to learn.