Location: 36° 0'5"N - 115° 15' 21"W
Razor: Germania Cutlery Works
Brush: Simpson PJ3
Cream: Sandalwood-Rose Alraz
Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
AS: Razorock Wax
EDT: Calvin Klein - Obsession
It doesn't happen often but once in a a while I have to leave the house on Saturday night for a, what's going to be, very late party. So I decided to start the new SOTD earlier as I know a few of my European brothers eagerly await posting the new SOTD. Posting a SOTD with a few drinks to much is also not a very good idea . I'm leaving shortly anyways.
The Oxford Razor was a test shave after I had nicely honed it up with my usual progression of stones and finisher. Caramba! I was pleasantly surprised by the sharp, smooth edge and shave I got. Just splendid. Excellent shaver. Not to mention the sandalwood-rose cream that just explodes in lather, smells divine and does a perfect job on the skin. Same with the Razorock AS Wax (love that stuff). I'm ready for my party!
See you guys tomorrow. Have a great week.