Well, I guess I'm in a bit of a mood for crying, so I'm going to post this; some of you have known me long enough to know about Bailey, some not, but I beg the indulgence of you all...

Well, tomorrow is Bailey's fifth birthday. It wasn't that long ago I thought he'd never have one. He's such an incredibly strong man; and very complex actually I think. His mother of course is also strong, but she's got my wife to lean on, as do we all.

Those times spent on the balcony of the hospital singing little songs to take away the pain; the rainbow that came into your hospital room in the afternoons, me pinning you to a bed while they stuck needles in you and you screamed 'please' over and over, the nausea I felt each time I left the hospital; all those memories will remain with me and all are horrible but all made us closer, I think, as grandfather and grandson.

Bailey, I know you'll have a good day tomorrow, because everybody loves you, everybody loves you...