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  1. #1
    Member kinc's Avatar
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    Default Different technique for different beard growth?

    Today I decided to shave, the last shave was on Christmas a 2 days beard.

    The past four shaves I did the following:
    • wash face with soap and warm water,
    • apply Proraso pre-shave,
    • face lathered with Palmolive Classic cream (the Italian red tube) and Proraso brush
    • Gillette Tech with Elios blade (new blade every time)
    • 3-pass shave
      • WTG above jawline/ ATG below jawline
      • ATG above jawline/ XTG (nose-to-ear) at the jawline/ XTG (from right ear to left ear) below the jawline
      • XTG (from left ear to right ear) below jawline

    BBS, no nicks, no weepers, almost no irritation every time

    Today I used the same "ritual" and I got the same results above the jawline but I had to stop at DFS below the jawline because my neck was a minefield of weepers.
    The only thing different from the previous shaves is that today I had a 2 days worth of beard when usually I shave with a 4-or-above days beard.

    Do you use a different technique when you need to shave a 1, 2, 3-or-above days worth of beard?

    Sorry for the long post.

    TL;DR: 2 days beard, horrible shave....4-or-above days beard, excellent shave. Need to use different technique?
    Last edited by kinc; 12-27-2013 at 11:17 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I use the same routine whether I have 1 days growth or several. When you have a heavy growth you need to be careful because you might be applying more pressure without realizing it subconsciously thinking you need to.

    Actually, I find shaving a heavier growth to be easier than 1 day.
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  3. #3
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    I don't think a different technique is required, at least not in my experience. The only time I get weepers from a DE blade is when I've used a blade past its best-before-date, or in other words it's dull.

    Never heard of that blade brand before so I can't comment on it. What I can say is that with many blades you don't get the best shave until it's been used 2 or 3 times, so throwing it out after one use may not be the best course of action.
    Last edited by Ryan82; 12-28-2013 at 05:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member rmagnus's Avatar
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    kinc I'm thinking the extra days in between shaving is more about your skin healing up than beard length. I think shaving is also easier with a couple three days beard growth but I usually shave every day.

  5. #5
    Snicker Snack
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    I agree with the people above: the bad shave on the second day was more likely due to a cumulative effect of the two shaves than anything you did in the second shave itself.

    I shave every day (I have to), and I don't get irritated skin, but everyone is different. Perhaps your shaves will improve with experience, and you'll be able to shave every day.

    One observation I have made over the years: While it is easy to shave with a mild razor like the Tech, to get a good shave with a mild razor requires pretty advanced techniques (blade buffing, guillotine strokes, maybe the Gillette Slide). With mild razors, people lose technique when they try to get a closer shave (use pressure, shave without lather, etc.)

    It is actually easier to learn to shave with a medium-aggressive razor. I suggest getting one of the TTO Cadets or the like. They're cheap and they're excellent shavers which are not to hard to get an excellent shave with.

  6. #6
    Senior Member RVShave's Avatar
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    The only time I have trouble is when I've pushed a blade too far as Ryan said, how many shaves did you have on that blade?

    Don't have any experience with that particular blade.

  7. #7
    Member kinc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVShave View Post
    The only time I have trouble is when I've pushed a blade too far as Ryan said, how many shaves did you have on that blade?

    Don't have any experience with that particular blade.

    That was a new blade.

    The next shave was on January 1st (new blade, 5 days growth) and got BBS, no irritation...
    I think the culprit was too much pressure without realizing it...

    Thank you all for your opinions.

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