Well after struggling with getting my stropping on a straight, I gave in and bought a safety razor. In large part because I happened to see it at my grocery store. It is a Van Der Hagen razor and it came with 5 of their blades. I find it to do a rather good job, noticeable sharper then my stropping skills have been giving me. The blades that it came with do a very good job. The razor is solid brass construction so it has a good feel in the hand, good heft. The only complaint I have with it is the fact that it holds the blade just the tiniest bit off center so that one edge is just ever so slightly more aggressive. After using all of the blades the razor came with I ordered some of the Feather blades as they seem to come with high accolades on SRP. Holy crap are these things sharp! I have never been able to shave and not feel even the slightest tug as the hair is cut. Needless to say I'm sold on these blades and highly recommend them to anyone looking for good DE blades.