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Thread: Suggestions for optimal Schick Injector Experience

  1. #1
    Junior Member mrtgrizzly's Avatar
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    Default Suggestions for optimal Schick Injector Experience


    I "inherited" an old Schick Injector razor from my old man.

    I just used it with a brand-new blade, and it's not giving me a sharp close shave that I am able to get with other my other rigs.

    Any suggestions?

    Clues to what I am doing and what I might do differently:

    I put in a brand-new blade, a Schick Injector blade, supposedly made by Schick and not a knock off - see photo of package that I just purchased from Amazon.

    The previous blades that he had were by Personna.

    Might a different blade by a different manufacturer be better?

    I have read about Feather blades from Japan but am not sure about the size and which to choose.

    I'm wondering if the size isn't quite right, if the blade isn't sticking out far enough or at the right angle, even though the angle is set.

    I'm doing the usual preps, which include soaking the razor in hot water, prepping my face, etc.
    I'm 58 y/o, and I have also used an old Gillette Bridge double-edge safety razor (one that is adjustable) so I'm familiar with some older shaving options and what is possible in terms of closeness with a single-edge blade.

    I have attached a picture of the razor that I have along with the packages of the blades that I have, along with a close-up shot of the blade set in the razor.

    Thanks in advance !

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Back in time, the personna blades were the best available.
    Newer plastic coated blades are very good.
    The big secret to shaving with a Schick is blade angle. Your Gillett had a heavy handle which aided control. The Schick's handle is almost straight out from your face to get a low angle for the blade. Takes time!

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  3. #3
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Yep. Go with what Richard said. Angle is what you need to work on. I have those blades and they shave just fine. Practice and get the angle figured out.
    BobH likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #4
    Junior Member mrtgrizzly's Avatar
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    Thank you both,

    I tried again this morning and I am not sure what I did differently but I drew blood.

    So perhaps I inadvertently changed the angle and my approach.
    I will be mindful of how I hold the razor and the angle of "attack", and be gentle, and see what I can accomplish.


  5. #5
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Put the blade in the razor and hold it against your arm lightly. Look at the blade. If you raise the handle too much the blade will not touch the skin. Lower the handle until the blade just touches the skin. That is the angle you want to shave with! Look at the angle of the handle when you have the edge just touching skin. This is what you need to see when you shave. So figure the edge position then know the position of the handle. That is what is going to make it work. Plus the handle is easier to see when shaving. LOL. Be sure you're not using too much pressure and Good luck. And watch out for the pink lather.
    Geezer likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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