I started using a Gillette super speed for my weekday shaves and picked up a 7 pack of different blades to try. Finished with the last one and thought you all might have some recommendations for different ones based on my preferences.

The seven blades were Astra superior platinum, Kai, Shark super chrome, Voskhod teflon coated, Gillette nacet, Gillette silver blue, and Feather yellow.

My two favorite were Gillette silver blue and Feather. The Feather seemed to give me a little closer shave, but the silver blue was a little more comfortable. My bottom two were the Astra and Kai. The Astra felt horrible for the first two shaves, but I gave it a third to be sure and suddenly it was ok, then number 4 was back to not great. The Shark, Voskhod, and Gillette nacet were pretty similar for comfort and closeness, but the Voskhod was the long life champ. I got close to two weeks out of that one.

So any others that would be good to try?

I've also been eying a new Parker 87R TTO. How would this compare to the super speed I've been using?