I've been shaving with a straight razor only for the last three months but now that spring is almost upon us, it's time for me to start with early morning rituals of fly fishing and mountain biking. I typically shave in the evening after the kids are in bed but now when I get home from my bike rides I'm too whupped to shave and in the morning I like to get up early and get in a few casts before work.

So I'm thinking about trying out a safety razor for when I'm pressed for time. I've used a Dovo shavette for when I'm in a hurry as I can skip the stropping element and with a fresh blade I know I'll get a good shave, but I think it would be fun to try out a safety razor. I found a place nearby that sells Parker safety razors (the 22R and 90R). Anyone had any experience with these? I've also been thinking about picking up a Gillette Fatboy off eBay as I've heard they're decent and common enough to be inexpensive.