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  1. #1
    Junior Member Reynolds853's Avatar
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    Default Joris razor aggressiveness question


    I have been wet shaving for several months and have enjoyed trying different razors. So far my collection includes a Muhle R89 Grande, a Muhle R89, a Feather All Stainless, and an Above the Tie Atlas with the M1 head. My most favorable results have been with the Muhle R89 head, using any the various handles that fit it. I am considering trying a Joris razor, but am concerned about how aggressive it might be. I read a comment on this forum that not all open comb razors are necessarily aggressive, but I have read too a post here about the Muhle R41 and certainly think that head would be more aggressive than I would want to try at this time. But what about the Joris, does anyone here have experience with that razor, and how it compares to the current Muhle R41? I should say too that I have tried several blades: Derby, Merkur, Gillette 7 O'Clock, Wilkinson Sword, Kai, and Feather. I would of certainly try to find the blade that worked best for me with the Joris, but I am wondering if the razor design itself would be so inherently aggressive as to make it a bad idea for me regardless of the blade used.

    Thank you for your advice.

  2. #2
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    I've never used one, but a member here, Obie, is quite a Joris fan if I remember correctly. You can either wait for him to post in this thread, or send him a pm with your questions.

    In the meantime you can also use the search function and look up "Joris" as well.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    Reynolds853 (02-06-2013)

  4. #3
    Junior Member Reynolds853's Avatar
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    Thank you for your reply. Before posting this thread I called myself as having looked for previous threads on the Joris. Of course, after posting this thread I poked around a little more and found Obie's thread entitled "The Majestic Joris" and read it with keen interest. That thread pretty much answered my questions and I think I'm going to continue with the Muhle R89 head as I develop my shaving skills. The other razors I am currently considering are the Muhle Sophist and Stylo, both of which I have also seen Obie comment favorably. I think I am going to get them and hold off on the Joris for a little while.

    Thanks again for your reply,
    Best regards,


  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    i may a bit late to the party, here, but the Joris is an aggressive razor. If you want one comparable to your Muhle, then i would highly recommend a Weber as they are all stainless steel and are very good shavers. i, personally, think the DLC is the best of the trio, but you may enjoy the PH (polished head) one. Good luck.

  6. #5
    Junior Member Reynolds853's Avatar
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    Thank you for your note. I think I will indeed hold off a while before trying a Joris. In the meantime I plan to build up my collection with Muhle and Edwin Jagger, but I will certainly have a look too at the Weber razors you suggested.

    Best regards,


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