I just picked up a feather ac SS razor. I have two types of blades the Kai mild and the feather pro guards. I shave after shower, and use a good preshave oil. My lather is nice and slick.
With that said I'm having trouble shaving with it. I'm doing short strokes. I have heard both to lay razor almost flat and at a 30 degree angle I've tried both. With the grain went fair. Wasn't too impressed. Against the grain was just tugging the hairs out.
I've got corse hair. I had trouble finding a DE blade I could get more than one or two shaves with. Now I use feathers and get there to five shaves.
I'm a lil bit disappointed. I thought these were supposed to be very sharp blades. I'm gonna stick with it awhile though. This is pretty much my first straight experience. Should I try the professional super blades instead? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks