I've been shaving with a shavette and a safety razor for about 4 years now. I finally ponied up and bought a real straight off the classifieds here. It's a Dubl Duck that was advertised as shave ready. I say advertised because I really have no way of telling if it truly is. So here's my issue... Today I went to use it for the first time. I got out of a nice hot shower and did my typical pre-shave routine. When I went to shave the razor did not want to slide across my skin and when it came into contact with my beard it didn't want to cut, it grabbed then skipped up about 1/8 inch. I thought I was not using enough pressure, second attempt was barely better. It still wanted to skip. I tried a few different angles, all with the same result. Frustrated, I grabbed my shavette and it was smooth sailing from there. So my question is, what did I do wrong? Wrong angle? Did I somehow manage to ruin the edge on the blade? I didn't strop it before shaving. I figured since it was advertised as shave ready from a senior member, I'd only harm the edge with my stropping ignorance. So... Honestly, my neck isn't happy and I'm wondering if making the switch was worth it. Any help is greatly appreciated.