I had a thought the other day and my young mind was intrigued so I thought I would pose a question to those who have been shaving for a long time (i.e. 10+ years).

Have you ever noticed in change in facial structure that has caused you to adapt your shaving technique?

I know that we all change over time and, even now as I am only 25 years of age, I know that I look slightly different then I did when I was 18. I'm just curious to how the effect of age changes the way we shave. Does stretching the skin change or does the angles that we shave across the face change? I have been wet shaving for over a year, started with a DE and have shaved more and more with a straight over time to as of the past several months I shave exclusively with a straight. The point being that I am still learning but just curious if anyone has noticed any changes in the way they shave due to the wonderful effect that time has on our bodies, or is it just a continual learning process.
