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Thread: If a razor can give BBS on sideburns than does that = shave ready, period?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Fort's Avatar
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    Default If a razor can give BBS on sideburns than does that = shave ready, period?

    So I created a few posts to expand on my other topic about ATG feedback.
    I did so because the answers could be really good and specific and I didn't want the content to get muddled. So here goes...

    If I have a razor and do a single pass WTG then re-lather and do an ATG pass and then have a BBS on that area, does this mean that the razor is sharpened to shave ready-period ? Is it that simple or did I just open a can of worms, start a flame war ect. ect....
    "The blade must always be respected"

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Usually the chin area is the most difficult from a tough whisker standpoint. if I can do that area and get BBS and do it comfortably the razor is shave ready to me.
    JimmyHAD and BobH like this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Usually the chin area is the most difficult from a tough whisker standpoint. if I can do that area and get BBS and do it comfortably the razor is shave ready to me.
    What he said. The chin and some areas of my neck are the proof of the pudding for me.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    My test is ATG on the top lip, however, we all seem to use different methods - all roads lead to Rome, though.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fort View Post
    If I have a razor and do a single pass WTG then re-lather and do an ATG pass and then have a BBS on that area, does this mean that the razor is sharpened to shave ready-period?
    If it's shaving comfortably then most likely, yes.

    As has already been mentioned, the chin usually has the toughest whiskers. In an experienced hand said razor should have no problem shaving the tough areas. The catch, of course, is the experience....
    BobH and Fort like this.

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