I have a Hartsteel 6/8 round point razor. I have been using it for several days now. It is sharp, I have touched it up with the same process that I use on my other razors. I have noticed that I do not get as close a shave with it as my other razors. Can this be because it has a different grind than my other razors? It gives a good shave but just a tad bit less than my other razors. Not bbs, even on my cheeks, but sooo close to it. Any ideas why? I did use tape when touching up. Then I touched up again with 3 layers of tape on barbers hone ad 12k to see if a micro bevel would help. I think it helped a little, but still not quite where I want it to be. With the money I spent on it, I would hope that this would be my go to razor, but not if I cant get the shave I want.....maybe, I hate to say, its not for me.

Your comments are welcome.