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Thread: Shaving girl's legs

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Default Shaving girl's legs

    Ok, so now I need to shave some legs. Tryed on my self in the tub using baby oil in the water, think it worked nice. Are there any point in using lather on legs, if it shaves without pain?

    Feel that its more sensual with only the oil (blush)

    Also how do I do if she moves, will I be able to remove the razor in time to not hurt her?

  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    You will have a razor at her legs, she will not move.
    I use a thick lather for shaving my wife's legs, alum on my fingers to maintain a good grip on the razor.
    Keep the skin tight and keep a loose grip on the razor, but not loose enough to drop the razor.
    Keep your eyes on the edge at all times.
    If you are "thinking about romance", do it without a razor in your hands. You need all of your concentration for her sake.
    Knees and shin bones are hardest, move the skin around off the pointy bones.
    I have found that towels on the bed work best for me, more room to move.
    Keep the water warm or she will bail on you.
    Have fun & stay focused, but remember that you have something sharper than most scalpels in your hands.
    That's about all the snippets I can come up with right now...

    Ask yourself, are your skills up to par to attempt this. Only you can answer.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Einar View Post
    Ok, so now I need to shave some legs. Tryed on my self in the tub using baby oil in the water, think it worked nice. Are there any point in using lather on legs, if it shaves without pain?

    Feel that its more sensual with only the oil (blush)

    Also how do I do if she moves, will I be able to remove the razor in time to not hurt her?

    If you have doubts about the task at hand, keep practicing on yourself until the confidence level increases.
    After a few glasses of wine or a six-pack, you won't even notice her hairy legs.

    Good luck though.

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  5. #4
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I concur - if this is the first time you've shaved someone else be careful. Oil in a bath might be sensual but adding blood to the mix would probably be a turn off I'd imagine.

    Lemur and anthogia like this.
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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Use the same advice we give beginners.
    Shave the easy bits, switch to the trusty old DE or tossable
    for the difficult bits.

    More than anything make sure you can practice, practice, practice.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I concur - if this is the first time you've shaved someone else be careful. Oil in a bath might be sensual but adding blood to the mix would probably be a turn off I'd imagine.

    I she likes blood in the water you better get out of there!
    Makes me think of this song;

    Hur Svenska stålet biter kom låt oss pröfva på.

  10. #7
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    My advice:

    - Have her sit or lay down so she is confortably resting.
    - Give her legs the full shabam, no reason not to do a thorough hair prep. The lather hydrates hair and makes for a more comfortable shave (even plain water works), whereas oil does not hydrate hair. Oil only provides glide. Lather first.
    - Go slow, stretch well, keep your angle low.
    - Resist long strokes. There is no hurry. Keep her safe.

    I've shaved several pairs of legs in this fashion, they have all enjoyed it.

    Don't forget good aftershave treatment.

    Oh, and have fun.

    Good luck
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  11. #8
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    Agreed with prevous answers but have some points.
    I shave my wifes legs with frameback and Proraso sensetive soap.
    - very easy grip but do not loose control - in conta with face legs have more tough skin and more stretched. So the blade must leads you
    - thin lather (I add couple drops of glycerin) 'coz thicker lather drys relly fast and you will need to re-lather again and again/
    - position - not lay nor stand. Just sit in low cozy armchair with outstretched legs- 2 resons for it: 1) to prevent the moves; 2) she see his man at her feet 8-) She love it.
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  12. #9
    Senior Member DarthLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I concur - if this is the first time you've shaved someone else be careful. Oil in a bath might be sensual but adding blood to the mix would probably be a turn off I'd imagine.

    Some people like that.
    Einar likes this.

  13. #10
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Ok, trying tomorrow. The point that she will stand still when I have a razor probably solved my problem

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